About the Rank
The Tiger rank is the first official rank in the Cub Scout program, designed for first-grade boys and girls. It builds upon the experiences gained in the Lion rank and introduces a more structured advancement path. The Tiger rank is specifically designed for children who are in the first grade, typically around 6 or 7 years old. It serves as the next step in their Cub Scouting journey after completing the Lion rank.
Tigers continue to participate in the program with their adult partner, usually a parent or guardian. The adult partner remains actively involved in guiding and supporting the child throughout their Scouting activities.
Tigers work on a set of adventures and achievements that cover a wide range of topics, including outdoor skills, character development, teamwork, and community involvement. These adventures are designed to be age-appropriate and provide opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration.
As Tigers complete the requirements for each adventure, they earn adventure loops, which are small medals worn on the Cub Scout uniform. The loops are specific to each adventure and serve as a visible recognition of the skills and knowledge acquired.
Once a Tiger completes the first-grade year, they transition to the next level of Cub Scouting, which is the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank builds upon the skills and experiences gained during the Tiger program and introduces new challenges and adventures.
The Tiger rank is earned by completing six required adventures and one optional adventure described below.
Rank Requirements
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Games Tigers Play
- My Tiger Jungle
- Team Tiger
- Tiger Bites
- Tiger Circles: Duty to God
- Tigers in the Wild
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
Outside of the required adventures, Lion Scouts can also complete any of the seven elective adventures of their den’s or family’s choosing.
- Build It Up, Knock It Down
- Gizmos and Gadgets
- I’ll Do It Myself
- On Your Mark
- Pick My Path
- Protect Yourself Rules
- Ready, Set, Grow
- Rumble in the Jungle