A large part of Cub Scouts involves introducing boys and girls to the adventure of spending time outdoors. If you’re going to spend time in the great outdoors, it’s important to be prepared with the right gear.

The Six Essentials are introduced as part of the Wolf Rank in 2nd grade. These items should be carried by all Scouts when they are outdoors camping or hiking. Each Scout should have their own and they should carry them in a backpack or a fanny pack. It’s important that Scouts carry their own equipment; when you’re lost in the woods your equipment doesn’t help if it’s packed away in your parent’s backpack.

The Six Essentials are:

  • First-aid kit: adhesive bandages, moleskin, gauze, antibiotic ointment, etc.
  • Water bottle: filled and large enough to last until it can be filled again
  • Flashlight: for emergency use only
  • Trail food: can be made as a den activity prior to hike or campout
  • Sun protection: sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater and a hat
  • Whistle: also for emergency use only

Don’t go out and spent money on lots of fancy equipment. Remember, a Scout is Thrifty. You probably already have most of the supplies around the house.

These are just the essentials. Scouts are also taught to pack additional equipment depending on the conditions. Rain jackets, head lamps, bug spray are examples of items that may be helpful in different situations. A Scout who has their Whittling Chip may carry their pocket knife with their parents permission.